About me

A photograph of a handsome man

Hi! Welcome to my portfolio, I'm Alex!

Passionate Game Developer | Creative Multimedia Professional | Seeking New Opportunities

Throughout my life, I've been immersed in the world of game development, from my early days in GM Studio to mastering Unity. My skills span multiple programming languages, including C#, Javascript, Python, and C++. I thrive on creativity, and I'm deeply invested in the entire creative pipeline - from programming to 3D modeling, graphic design, and audio/music. In my professional journey, I've had the privilege of leading graphic design initiatives and collaborating on video and web design projects. Now, I'm excited to pivot towards a greater focus on programming and 3D modeling, leveraging my diverse skill set to drive innovation. Let's connect and explore how we can create something amazing together. Open to new opportunities and collaborations!

Contact me

My portfolio and curriculum

PDF file Download
Curriculum (English)
PDF file Download
Curriculum (Spanish)

As for my portfolio... well, you're looking at it!


Internal Geometry

Internal Geometry is my brand and my company, it represents the work that I've done throughout my life and career. I've made this website to showcase my work and to share my passion with the world. I hope you enjoy it!

This website is most definitely an infinite work-in-progress, I'll keep improving and updating it as a way to be as informative and complete as possible and, even more importantly, as a way to keep having fun with Web Development, React and NextJS!